About Me
Alan Baker Co.  provides delivery at no extra charge to its regular customers on the Peninsula and in the South and East Bay regions!  Orders placed by 10:00 AM can often be delivered the same day.  We Provide Free delivery to Sacramento and the Central Valley on the last Friday of each month.
Abrasives & Polishing Wheels
VSM Belts, Aluminum Oxide, Emery, 
Hyde Glue, Contact Wheels, Idlers 

Bakphos  2� Copper Balls Anodes
60/40 Tin Lead Anodes -   12 Point Star
Pure Tin  Anodes - 16 Point Star
INCO Nickel Anodes - �S�  & �R� Rounds, 
Oval Bar Anodes
Zinc - 2� Balls Anodes
Titanium Anode Baskets
Titanium & Monel Anode Hooks
Platinum Coated Titanium Mesh Anodes

Anode Bags
Napped & Unnaped Polypropylene
Custom sizes and styles available

Buffs & Compounds
Cotton Buffs, Sisal Buffs, BCR Airway Buffs, Loose Cotton Buffs, Spiral Sewn Buffs, Concentric Sewn  Buffs, Custom Order
Buffing Compounds: Black, Green, Tripoli, Grease Stick

Circuit Board Racks
Trace (red, 400°) Racks 
Stainless  H Clamps
Stainless Spring Clamps
Stainless Cuposit Springs
Stainless Hex Receivers
Stainless Top Bolt Assemblies

Copper Bars
Rectangular Rod
Round Rod
Buss Bar

Heating/Cooling Equipment
Protec Electric Immersion Heaters & Controls
Titanium & Stainless Coils, Heat Exchangers,

Miscellaneous Supplies
Plater�s Gloves, Aprons, Boots
Brushes, Dipping Baskets

Polypropylene Products
Portable Plating Barrels
Polypro Dipping Baskets
Polypro Rod Rollers
Polypro Rod Riser Blocks

Process Tanks
Molded Polyethylene Tanks, Welded Polypropylene Tanks, Stainless Steel Tanks, Titanium Tanks, FRP, Bulk Storage Tanks, Tank Liners, Floor Liners

Pumps & Filter Systems
Filter Pump Industries (Penguin)
Cartridge Filters, Bag Filters, Carbon Treatment, Eductor Nozzles

Rectifiers - New, Used & Refurbished
Aldonex Rectifiers
Rapid Rectifiers
HBS Rectifiers
Clinton Rectifiers
Amp-Hour Meters

Wire & Cable
Copper Wire, Aluminum Wire, Rubber Coated 4/O Copper Cable, Cable Lugs
Family Owned and Operated For Over   50 Years